About us

Founded in 1962 in Bari by Cataldo De Pasquale, it boasts a long experience in industrial maintenance, manufacturing, construction and mechanical assembly.
We were among the first companies to implement preventive and predictive maintenance programs on their customers' machines, used diagnostic systems and applied methodologies for the optimization of spare parts.
We can offer specialist advice and intervene on machines and systems by offering solutions for any problem concerning installation, materials and fluid dynamics.
OTDP is a family-run company whose values, passion and skills are handed down over time with the aim of providing quality services and meeting the needs of its customers in a long-term perspective.

Quality, Safety e Environment

Officine Tecniche De Pasquale implements a Total Quality Policy aimed at continuous business development and customer satisfaction, providing services and products, in compliance with the most recent binding regulations, within the established delivery times and in compliance with the laws and regulations in force.
In process management, OTDP has applied its own Company Quality System since 1996, whose requirements comply with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard (certificates n ° 513/96 / S and IT-3028).


Officine Tecniche De Pasquale, aiming to consolidate its market and increase it, has implemented a Quality Management System compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 whose requirements are indicated in the Quality Policy:

  • Attention to the needs of customers and to the expectations of internal and external interested parties in the organization in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
  • Understanding of your context and risk determination, as a basis for planning;
  • Approach for processes so that each activity represents a process to plan, control and improve and towards which to channel the resources necessary to be carried out;
  • Leadership that assumes responsibility for the effectiveness of its Quality Management System, which verifies the compatibility of the objectives with the context and which actively involves all interested parties;
  • Determining the factors that could divert its processes and its quality management system from the planned results, to put in place preventive controls to minimize negative effects and maximize opportunities when they arise;
  • Continuous improvement of the services rendered to the customer, both for the optimization of its business management, with the aim of increasing its competitiveness on the market by optimizing its production and organizational processes.






Officine Tecniche De Pasquale S.r.l. , having as priority the health and safety in the workplace, commits to:

  • Plan and monitor every progress of the works on a regular basis;
  • Issue written procedures and behavioral rules;
  • Define and communicate HSE objectives and general guidelines at all levels;
  • Promote HSE participation within the Company as a whole;
  • Implement all the prevention and protection measures provided for by current legislation, good technical standards, as well as the specific technical company standards;
  • Ensure understanding, implementation and support of HSE policy at all levels;
  • Involve and consult the responsible managers and all staff regarding the corporate HSE policy in order to obtain the commitment to respect and implement it;
  • Coordinate all control operations through audits;
  • Manage emergencies and activities in confined spaces.


Officine Tecniche De Pasquale S.r.l. , conducts its activities in respect of the environment, through the application of the following guidelines:

  • Absolute prohibition of spills, spills or discharges of any nature into the soil, subsoil or sewer;
  • Control and minimization of any emissions into the atmosphere, such as fumes, annoying odors and dust;
  • Monitoring and reduction of noise or vibration levels in the workshop and in the workplace;
  • Correct management of any waste, scraps or residues in order to minimize waste and maximize their recycling;
  • Use sparingly of energy sources such as water, energy or other services;
  • Storage / handling / handling / use of dangerous substances in accordance with the indications contained in the safety data sheets;
  • Involve and consult the responsible managers and all staff regarding the corporate policy on HSE in order to obtain the commitment to respect and implement it;
  • Employee information, awareness and training;
  • Prevention and training on any emergency situation.